
How to preserve user-defined section in Release configuration(怎样在发行配置中保留用户自定义的段),preserve

In a situation which I need to locating some string in an image file easily, I can alter or patching the executable later (though UltraEdit or PE Tools and so on). So I decide to put the string in a section defined by me in the source file. However in the Debug configuration I can figure out everything is OK. But in Release build the section is gone. I examine the command line of the Linker, and got no hint about such a behavior. I really need to preserve the user-defined section, so can any one give a help? I list the detailed procedure I took as follows:

在一个应用中我需要方便定位可执行映像中的一个字符串,以便我可以随后进行更改(使用UE或PE Tools等)。因此在源文件中我将其放到了自定义的段中。奇怪的是在调试版本中,这个段存在;在发行版本中,这个段没了。我检查了链接器的命令行,但是得不到为什么会有这种行为的启发。我确实需要保留自定义段,请问有人能给予帮助吗?我在下面详列了我的做法:

The following content coming from StdAfx.h, please notice the user-defined section I added:


#pragma once

#include "targetver.h"

#include <stdio.h>
#include <tchar.h>

#pragma const_seg(".udata")
const char* test = "mingyurui";
#pragma const_seg("")


One can build a very simple test project with the above header file, and check the Debug version with dumpbin, and following is my way:

your directory comes here>dumpbin /rawdata:1 /section:.udata mytest.exe

you will not difficult observe the string “mingyurui” from the output.


正确路径>dumpbin /rawdata:1 /section:.udata mytest.exe


But if one switch to Release build, the .udata section was gone! you can also check that though dumpbin with option /summay. Can any one point that to me?





www.zrccd.nettrue/topics/20180116/67791.htmlTechArticleHow to preserve user-defined section in Release configuration(怎样在发行配置中保留用户自定义的段),preserve In a situation which I need to locating some string in an image file easily, I can alter or patching the execu...



